Returning to Play with Microsoft Power Platform.


In March 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic dramatically altered the way the world operates, changing how we worked and lived overnight. Ireland saw it's towns and communities locked down as people were forced to stay at home to help protect the most vulnerable. Months later, as we continued to navigate the impact of the pandemic, we began the slow journey to reopening.

For the IRFU, the initial measures meant that all matches and training had to come to a sudden halt, with the re-opening leaving the organisation with a fresh challenge, to rethink the match-day experience in line with new government restrictions and health care recommendations.

To scale up the 'training bubbles' methodology that had proven effective during the return to training campaign, the IRFU engaged with Storm Technology to create a scalable technology solution that could manage the immediate and future influx of external visitors. Critical to the success of the project was not only the accuracy and reliability required to adhere to government guidelines and prevent the spread of Covid-19 but also deliver experience excellence. The solution needed to deliver seamless usability that was simply an extension of the match-day experience.

To meet these requirements Storm harnessed the power of Power Platform. Building a portal and corresponding app that would manage the entry and screening of external visitors while providing the flexibility to make rapid-changes on demand thanks to the systems low-code design.

Looking ahead to the future of sporting events amid the pandemic, it is clear strict safety practices and restrictions will be with us for some time. By investing in a scalable, changeable, and modern solution, the IRFU were able to ensure complete compliance with Irish government guidelines.

Business Benefits

Leveraging the power of low-code application design the IRFU transformed match-day experience with Power Platform.

Improved Flexibility

Low-code design means developers and users alike can respond quickly to the rapidly evolving Covid-19 landscape.

Streamlined Processes

By digitising the pre-match screening process the IRFU has saved between two-three days of manual data and analysis per match

Enhanced Customer Experience

The creation of a dedicated portal ensures strict compliance with safety measures without compromising on match-day experience.

Read IRFU case study in full


Power platform gives us the flexibility to make rapid changes due to its low code design. The solution brings together business data and an intuitive user interface to empower business users to create and use simple business applications or data visualisation with little-to-no code.

Scott Walker, Director of IT & Strategy

The successful implementation of Power Platform has streamlined match day processes, savings us between two-three days of manual data entry and analysis per match. For match day attendees the creation of a dedicated portal creates a sense of security, demonstrating the commitment of the IRFU to not only our players but our fans and ancillary staff. We truly believe we are in this together, and the platform ensures we the IRFU are doing our part to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Scott Walker, Director of IT & Strategy

Our engagement with Storm Technology and the application of Microsoft Power Platform has been a game-changer for the IRFU. Storm’s professionalism and agile project methodology combined with the use of low-code technology meant we were able to go from design to delivery in just three weeks...rather than focusing on short term gains the team helped us identify and implement a future-ready solution, one that will provide us with the flexibility and agility required to respond to the future needs of our community and fans

Scott Walker, Director of IT & Strategy

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