[Webinar] Transform Project Management with AI

Storm Technology has teamed up ith PMI Ireland and Projectum - experts in AI adoption within the PMO - to showcase how AI powered solutions can transform project outcomes and drive business success.

The author of this page: Roisin McLaughlin
Roisin McLaughlin, Marketing Director May 21, 2024

A true digital disruptor, AI is changing everything about how we live and work. From smart home devices to virtual assistants designed to accelerate day-to-day tasks, AI is here to stay and tapping into its potential can have a transformative impact on your business goals.

While every project management office (PMO) is different, they share one common goal: driving successful project outcomes. Unfortunately, even with the greatest of intentions, the best software and the highest investment, the reality is that almost two-thirds of projects are unsuccessful, equating to a significant loss of time, effort and resources for your organisation.

Generative AI can help your team buck the trend, making on-time successful delivery a reality by mitigating project risk and helping your team make informed decisions through data modelling, workflow automation and intelligent alerts.

Join Malek Al-Shayeb, Storm Technology and Jacob Hansen, Projectum - industry leaders at the forefront of implementing AI tools in PMOs - on Tuesday, May 21st 2024 at 1 pm to learn how your organisation can harness the power of AI to transform project management outcomes.

During this session, we will:

  • Explore the current and future impact of AI on Project Management

  • Discuss the difference between Microsoft AI, ChatGPT and Copilot

  • Showcase 7 tried and tested use cases for AI in the PMO and

  • Offer the opportunity to talk to the experts with a live Q&A session.


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