Change Management Strategies for your ERP Project [Ebook]

The ability to effectively manage change may very well be the most important skill that executives, managers and employees need to master. Global markets and technology seem to change daily as organisations are required to reduce costs, increase customer service and excel at performance.

The author of this page: Deirdre Lysaght
Deirdre Lysaght, Marketing Executive Feb 05, 2021

These requirements are at the heart of the necessity and justification of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). An ERP system touches multiple functions across offices, departments, geographic locations and job levels making it critically important to proactively plan for and manage change across all levels of the organisation.

Business transformations through ERP will not take place without effectively managing changes across the three key organisational areas; people, process and technology. In many situations, the technology and process changes are relatively easy to manage. However, because change resistance can occur, it is this area that must be a significant focus of your management effort.

Download the Ebook to discover the five key Change Management Strategies for an ERP project.

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