[Webinar] Is It Time for a Microsoft 365 Health Check?

Now Available On Demand

Has rapid adoption and growth over the past few years created weaknesses within your Microsoft 365 environment? While many organisations have the correct collaboration tools in place, many lack the correct governance leading to content duplication, sprawl as well as security risks. Join Storm and Orchestry for a webinar where we will explore some of the ways you can assess the health of your environment to strengthen control and security.

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Strengthen Governance and Create a Healthier M365 Environment.

The Microsoft 365 suite of products have been at the forefront of facilitating and improving hybrid and remote working over the past few years. While many organisations have the correct tools in place, rapid adoption in the face of remote working has left many organisations without adequate governance, resulting in content duplication, lost content and sprawl along with heightened security and compliance risk.

Watch our on-demand webinar where Conall O'Kane, Modern Workplace Practice Manger at Storm and Michal Pisarek, 7-times Microsoft MVP and CEO of Orchestry showcase how your organisation can stay ahead of sprawl and strengthen control and security of your M365 environment with a free trial of Orchestry's M365 tool available for all registrants.

Webinar Agenda

During this webinar session, we will cover:

  • Signs your Microsoft 365 Environment Needs Attention

  • Reasons Why You Should Act Now

  • Questions to Consider for your Health Check

  • How to Regain Control Quickly and Easily With Orchestry

  • Live Q&A


"By building T-Net on the SharePoint platform we have been able to bring the day-to-day management of our Intranet in-house. The easy-to-use interface means the communications team can manage the solution, minimising the need for third-party intervention going forward and alleviating the burden on our IT Services department."

Sally-Anne Fisher
Head of Communications

Information is now logically stored and organised which makes it easier to file documents in the right place. Powerful search saves time searching for documents while automatic version control reduces duplication and loss of information. Moving to online document management has been a game-changer.

Theresa Cloonan
IS Program Manager

The intranet has done more than just provide a place for people to find information – it has helped improve morale and company culture, making everyone feel part of the same team”

Rebecca McGee
Head of IT, LIA

We rely on Storm Technology for day-to-day SharePoint support - so that we can focus on our own jobs - as well as being a trusted partner that can help us understand the best way to use the platform and deploy it to deliver the business solutions we seek

Amy Richards
Service Desk Manager at CIE
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