[Webinar] Transform Project Management with AI
Now Available On Demand
Join industry leaders from Storm Technology, Projectum and PMI Ireland to learn how AI can transform project outcomes and drive business success. During this webinar we will:
Explore the impact of AI on Project Management
Differentiate between Microsoft AI, ChatGPT and Copilot
Showcase 7 use cases for AI in the PMO
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Drive Sucessful Project Outcomes with AI
While every project management office (PMO) is different, they share one common goal: driving successful project outcomes. Unfortunately, even with the greatest of intentions, the best software and the highest investment, the reality is that almost two-thirds of projects are unsuccessful, equating to a significant loss of time, effort and resources for your organisation. Generative AI can help make on-time, successful project delivery a reality by mitigating project risk and helping your team make informed decisions through data modelling, workflow automation and intelligent alerts.
Join us for a webinar on the 21st of May 2024 at 11:00am (GMT + 1) where industry leaders Malek Al-Shayeb, (Storm Technology) and Jacob Hansen (Projectum) will showcase how your harness the power of AI to transform project management outcomes.
Webinar Agenda
During this webinar session, we will:
Explore the current and future impact of AI on Project Management
Discuss the difference between Microsoft AI, ChatGPT and Copilot
Showcase 7 tried and tested use cases for AI in the PMO and
Offer the opportunity to talk to the experts with a live Q&A session.