[Workshop] Optimise Business Performance with Power Platform

27th September 2023 | 09:30 am - 12:30 pm (GMT+1) | Storm Technology, The Capel Building Dublin 7

In a crowded market, businesses can no longer run the risks associated with inefficient, manual processes. Now more than ever, businesses need to optimise processes and evolve in line with the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation - or risk losing their competitive edge. Join Storm for an immersive workshop, where you will learn how to harness the potential of Business Process Automation (BPA) and AI in Microsoft's Power Platform to optimise business performance.

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3 Key Workshop Takeaways

Explore how Business Process Automation can help your business enhance performance.

Uncover the BPA and AI capabilities available in Power Platform.

Learn how to identify opportunities for process automation in your organisation.

Enhance critical business processes with automation and AI.

According to Microsoft, 64% of people say they struggle with having the time and energy to get their work done, leaving 60% of business leaders with concerns about a lack of innovation among teams. Inefficient manual processes and tedious tasks are taking a toll on workers and managers alike, causing disruptions to business performance. 

To help combat these challenges, Microsoft's Power Platform offers powerful BPA and AI capabilities to help businesses tackle manual tasks, boost productivity and optimise performance. Join Storm for a workshop hosted in The Capel Building Dublin on the 27th of September 2023 at 09:00 am where we will explore the capabilities of Power Platform.

Workshop Agenda

09:00 Registration with tea & coffee on arrival

09:30 The cost of inefficient processes and how BPA can help you unlock business potential.

10:00 Transform processes with BPA and AI in Power Platform.

10:30 Break

10:40 Deep dive into Power Platforms BPA capabilities including use case examples.

11:30 Identify opportunities for process innovation - a framework for success.

11:50 Live Q&A with our solution specialists & session close.

*A light lunch will be provided for attendees between 12:00 - 12:30


Power Platform has streamlined match day processes, saving us between two-three days of manual data entry and analysis per match ...while demonstrating the commitment of the IRFU to not only our players but our fans and ancillary staff.

Scott Walker
Director of Technology & Strategy

Using the Executive Dashboard built on Power BI to drill down to the smallest detail is like looking through a microscope, highlighting potential risks or project slippage at a glance. This enterprise-level view combined with the flexibility of reporting and consistency of data captured provides the University with a sustainable and scalable future proof solution for Project Management.

John O'Sullivan
Director of PMO @ Trinity College Dublin

“From our very first engagement, the team at Storm has continued to display the highest levels of professionalism and technical excellence. They are honest in all their engagements and collaborated with us to find a support rhythm that worked for our business ... One of the great things about this partnership, is that we now have the ability to customize the solutions going forward and keep the technology evergreen."

John Barton
IT Director
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