Data & AI Advisory

Powering Growth with Data & AI

Unlock business opportunities and power growth with an industry-leading Data & AI Platform tailored to your unique business requirements.

Powering Growth with Data & AI

Support Your Business with Storm's Data & AI Centre of Excellence

In today’s fast-paced and data-driven world, staying ahead requires more than just collecting information; it demands transforming data into actionable insights and leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to support strategic decision-making.

Our comprehensive Data and AI services, built on a robust, future-ready data platform powered by Microsoft Azure, are designed to empower organisations to unlock the full potential of their data and achieve operational excellence. With services backed by our Centre of Excellence, we help organisations boost their existing capabilities and strengths whilst enabling them to benefit from greater contextual grounding by leaning on our real-world experience building solutions across a wide variety of industry verticals.

How we can help your organisation unlock the potential of Data & AI

Build intelligent applications, automate processes and gain deeper insights from your business data.

Enhance productivity with advanced AI-powered solutions, designed to empower innovation.

Become an AI-powered organisation by enabling users to create and run their own AI assistants (Copilots).

Advisory Request Categories

Data & AI Advisory

Category 1

General Data & AI consulting and development query.

Category 2

General solution and proof of concept design query.

Category 3

Solution architecture and design call back request.

Category 4

AI and Data Governance Workshops

Find out more about Storm's Data & AI Advisory Service.

Team Meeting

Why Choose Storm?

One of Ireland's most trusted business technology consultancies, Storm Technology has over 25 years of experience addressing business challenges through digital transformation. We carefully match each project with a team of highly skilled professionals, handpicked to align industry and application expertise with your unique business requirements.

Customer Support Services

Dedicated Support

We understand that project success requires more than just successful implementation, which is why many of our clients continue to partner with us for many years after project go-live. Our dedicated customer success team work tirelessly to deliver the highest levels of customer service and unlock future value from technology investment.


“From our very first engagement, the team at Storm has continued to display the highest levels of professionalism and technical excellence. They are honest in all their engagements and collaborated with us to find a support rhythm that worked for our business ... One of the great things about this partnership, is that we now have the ability to customize the solutions going forward and keep the technology evergreen."

John Barton
IT Director

We viewed the project as a digital transformation initiative, so it really is a journey. We wanted to bring all employees with us on this journey. Almost everyone in the organisation was involved in the information architecture review, so it wasn’t a top-down imposed solution. We knew it wasn’t just a matter of technology, although obviously, it is a central aspect, we set out to really maximise the benefits of the system for our employees and the organisation and we knew the human and cultural side of business change would be essential for project success.

John Burke
Director of ICT

“Partnering with Storm Technology has been instrumental in the successful rollout of our hybrid working application, from the guidance offered by their Business Analyst to the technical expertise of their delivery team. In addition to delivering tangible benefits to South Dublin County Council, Storm’s knowledge of the Build to Share platform has ensured the solution has been developed in a way that other Councils facing the same issue surrounding hybrid work applications can also benefit from our investment.”

Deirdre Wall
HR Acting Senior Executive Officer

“We felt we were in good hands with Storm Technology, given their expertise. We were surprised from our initial consultations to learn that so many of the ERP team were also qualified accountants, which of course helped the discussion massively. We knew that they understood our needs from both a technological perspective and a financial management perspective.”

Brian Flannery
See More Client Stories

Contact our Solution Experts

Get in touch to find out how Storm Technology can help you grow your business with scalable, future-ready solutions.