MS Teams

Realise the power of collaboration with Microsoft Teams

An essential part of any modern workplace, Microsoft Teams effortlessly connects your workforce globally and remotely.

Realise the power of collaboration with Microsoft Teams

Bring employees together to collaborate & communicate in a secure environment.

An intelligent hub for teamwork, Microsoft Teams allows employees to meet, call, instant chat, file-share anytime, from any device, enabling employees to easily collaborate and share ideas regardless of physical location.

Create a customisable workspace on Microsoft Teams with easy integration to all Microsoft 365 and third-party apps. Making all essential apps accessible in one space, creating a consistent digital experience for all employees, with Microsoft Teams at the centre.

What can Microsoft Teams do for your business?

Encourage more productive teamwork with seamless collaboration features.

Connect workers through a digital workspace making remote working easier.

Use Microsoft Teams to manage internal communications more effectively.


Microsoft Teams Key Features

Project Management & Collaboration

Empower employee collaboration and effectively manage projects with features like co-authoring, version control, and file -share.

Remote Meeting Management

With clever features to maximise productivity, pre, post, and during each meeting, MS Teams helps automate the meeting life-cycle.

Seamless Calendar Integration

Automatically syncing with your outlook calendar, MS Teams calendar ensures you never miss an important meeting or call.

Flexible Calling Plans

Give people the calling features they need to succeed with flexible calling options tailored to meet your unique business needs.

More Productive Meetings

Have more focused Teams meetings with Copilot, the AI assistant that can summarise key takeaways, identify action items and more.

Security by Design

Meet with confidence in the world's most secure meeting platform. Tailor security settings easily within the administrative portal.

Microsoft Teams FAQs

To learn more about what Microsoft Teams can do for your business, check out our FAQ page where we discuss some of the key features and benefits.

Learn more
Team Meeting

Why Choose Storm?

With a proven methodology backed by 25+ years experience addressing business challenges through digital transformation, Storm Technology is one of Ireland's most trusted technology consultancies. We carefully match each project with a team of highly skilled professionals, handpicked to align industry and application expertise with your unique business requirements.

How we Work
Change Management Meeeting

Change Management

We understand that return on investment is dependent on a high user adoption rate. Which is why we focus not only on the technology but on the human side of change. Our dedicated change management team specialises in creating positive employee experiences through strategic change management initiatives and user training.

Change Management

What Microsoft Teams enabled was for us to bring the insights from all the individual MS technologies and present them in the context where our users needed them.

Mark Kane
Head of Information Systems, Mainstream Renewable Power

The fact that all systems are integrated ensures you can work seamlessly, you can fire up Microsoft Teams or M365 in the morning and then work in the DMS directly within these environments. You don’t have to jump between systems or open legacy data sources, you can simply work across all applications within Teams.

Denise Beardmore
Business Solutions Manager

Storm Technology has been instrumental in our IT and Business Transformation Project moving LIA from a labour intensive organisation to a technology-enabled organisation. We continue to work with Storm in refining and enhancing our system so that it continues to be a best in class solution.

Joanne Keane
Chief Executive, LIA

“Partnering with Storm Technology has been instrumental in the successful rollout of our hybrid working application, from the guidance offered by their Business Analyst to the technical expertise of their delivery team. In addition to delivering tangible benefits to South Dublin County Council, Storm’s knowledge of the Build to Share platform has ensured the solution has been developed in a way that other Councils facing the same issue surrounding hybrid work applications can also benefit from our investment.”

Deirdre Wall
HR Acting Senior Executive Officer
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